Wedding Bouquet Styles

cascading lilac bouquet

Your wedding bouquet is more than just a collection of flowers, it’s an extension of  your style, and the overall theme of your big day. It’s a key accessory you’ll hold close throughout your celebration, featured in countless photos and memories. But with so many beautiful styles to choose from, finding the right bouquet can […]

Cassandra & Michael: A real wedding story

A newly married couple walk hand in hand down the aisle, guests on either side clapping and cheering

Soft White Sand, Turquoise Water and a Surprise Proposal There are moments in life where, no matter how much you try to anticipate them, they still manage to take your breath away. That’s exactly how Cassandra described her engagement—equal parts surprise and inevitability. “We had been shopping for engagement rings for a long time,” she […]

Wedding Flowers Behind the Scenes: Costs and Why

A LOT OF WORK HAPPENS BEFORE THE BIG DAY, AND A LOT OF WORK HAPPENS ON THE DAY! But what does that look like exactly? We don’t expect our couples to just know  about all of the work that goes into executing a perfect wedding day, but it is important to understand a bit about […]

An August Love story

A wedding couple kiss, standing in the centre of their wedding party, to the right is the bridesmaids, three, dress in long silk olive dresses, in front of the bride stands a young flower girl. The groom stands to the left of the bride and three grooms men and a page boy are wearing black and white suits. the wedding party have turned heads to watch the couple kiss

Take a look at Christine and Stephen’s August wedding at the Queen Victoria Building’s Tea Rooms in Sydney. The European-inspired space got a touch of warmth with cream, apricot, blush, and ochre tones, creating a charming cottage garden atmosphere.

Songs to Swoon to

A great playlist is like a well-mixed cocktail – a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole lot of goodness. And let me tell you, this playlist is the bee’s knees (I may be a tad biased, but I did put it together). If you’re digging the tunes – hit […]

Ashani & Damian

“It was important to both of us that Irish, Sri Lankan and Australian customs were incorporated and celebrated.“ In October of 2022 Ashani and Damian were married at Mosman Village Church and then celebrated their love surrounded by family and friends from across the globe at Q station in Manly. For those unfamiliar with the […]